Galway TM3 online transnational meeting
The third transnational meeting (TM3) of the CUTE project was hosted online by the NUI Galway. Work continued on road mapping for the institutions (IO2) and using the Cute Canvas to design tasks (IO3).
TM3 17th december 2020 online
The third transnational meeting (TM3) took place online in 'virtual Galway'.
We were lucky enough to bring in Catherine Cronin, PhD from National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Ireland presented the strategy and initiatives of this amazing national HE Institution focused on fostering digital competencies for educators across Ireland. The National Forum is an associated partner in CUTE and bringing in perspectives on OERs, openness and using badges in building digital competencies for educators, this was great input into the discussions and work going on in the CUTE Project.
Our virtual visit to Galway also included a visit from our other associated partner from Ireland: Dr Sharon Flynn from the Irish Universities Association who told us about the great work being done in the national project Enhancing Digital Capacity in Teaching and Learning, which is also putting the DigCompEdu framework to use at universities. Examples included guides for both teachers and students on online teaching and learning, produced by students. Find more great resources and inspirational webinars on their website.
A great thank you to both our Irish associated partners for taking the time out to present and discuss their projects with us, and finding synergies and overlaps in their work and the work done in the CUTE project.