About CUTE

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across Europe are challenged by digital transformation and the need for more digital competencies for teachers. However, teachers at HEIs are still primarily hired and rewarded for their research. Therefore, the development of digital teaching skills is often a slow process that relies on individual initiatives­. DigCompEdu shows a way forward to create change on an institutional level.

The project "Competencies for Universities - using Technology in Education" (CUTE) aims to develop

  1. a strategy at an institutional level to improve digital competencies for university teaching, and
  2. a methodology for other institutions to do the same based on the European Framework for Digital Competence for Educators (DigCompEdu).


  • A mapping of the current institutional approaches to digital competence development with the DigCompEdu Framework. (IO1)
  • An alignment of the DigCompEdu Framework with the Comet-tool creating pedagogical and organizational competence grids as the basis for Road maps for local development (IO2)
  • Development of short-term actions piloted at each partner university or associated partner (IO3)
  • A toolkit for using DigCompEdu to develop teachers' digital competencies in other institutions (IO4)
  • Policy recommendations for future development of the DigCompEdu Framework with a focus on Higher Education (IO5)

Hear the partners explain more in this video: