10 June 2020

Mapping of Local Approaches to DigCompEdu (IO1)


CUTE IO1 is a mapping of the current institutional approaches to digital competence development with the DigCompEdu Framework. All partners took part in mapping their own institutions, researching local, regional and national strategies and interviewing key decision makers at each institution. The resulting was a mapping compiled into the CUTE IO1 report under the competent management of AGH - the CUTE partner responsible for output 1.

CUTE IO1 is a mapping of the current institutional approaches to digital competence development with the DigCompEdu Framework. All partners took part in mapping their own institutions, researching local, regional and national strategies and interviewing key decision makers at each institution. The resulting was a mapping compiled into the CUTE IO1 report under the competent management of AGH - the CUTE partner responsible for output 1. The report can be downloaded from the outputs page.
IO1 report