8 March 2023

Austria TM6 final project meeting Dec. 22

The final act of the CUTE project took place in Austria from the 14th to 16th of December. The meeting was held at three locations being the meeting vicinities of GTN, the Pedagogical University College Upper Austria and the city of Steyr. The reason for this was the involvement of different organisations of this project being GTN as the software development company and the Pedagogical University College which was an associated member in the project. Also the PHOOE houses the eEducation-network which is a central project of the Federal Ministry of Education. This network is in charge of the development of digital competences of teachers as well as organisations based on the competence model digi.kompP as well as DigCompEdu. This final meeting was spent on the remaining tasks in the project: Finalizing work on IO5, reporting from the IO3, IO4 and IO5 webinars and finishing up the final proposal for the policy recommendations. Quality controlling and adding final adjustments to the toolkit (finalizing IO4) including the showing of documentation of all the tasks carried out in IO3. Furthermore dissemination efforts were intensified: Experiences were shared from all the local multiplier events, and we collaborated on producing and finalizing dissemination materials including posters and bookmarks/handouts. And finally we agreed on the distribution of final tasks to all project members related to final reporting. Beside the very productive project meeting time was also found for social events at all three different locations. During the meeting there was also an opportunity to visit the AI exhibition at the ARS Electronica Center.